April 8th, 2020 is the 5th anniversary of PingCAP. Last week, we published an article written by our CTO Ed Huang to look back and to share his thoughts about the future of databases. The full article is here:
A Peek into the Future of Database: A Unified Infrastructure to Adapt Intelligently
Last week, we also published a post that walks you through TiDB 4.0's highlights across its deployment, use, operations and maintenance, ecosystem, and cloud services. You're welcome to join us in TiDB Community Slack to give us advice or feedback on your user experience. The full article is here:
TiDB 4.0 Preview: An Easier-to-Use, Production-Ready HTAP Database
Last week, we landed 100 PRs in the TiDB repository and 32 PRs in the TiKV and PD repositories.
component is released, which is used to build a local mirror of TiUP and make TiUP available in offline scenarios.tidb_query
and engine_rocks
a significant messageObserveID