PingCAP Style Guide

Guide to writing idiomatic code at PingCAP and in the TiKV project.

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Implementing traits

Write impls in the following order:

Group impls for the same traits together. Write impls directly after their concrete types. Write blanket impls directly after their traits.

Prefer to write all impls in a single module. However, very large impls may be split across modules if this improves readability.

There can be multiple impls with the same signature in one module, if grouping methods in this way improves readability. Doing this is useful because the grouping will be preserved by Rustdoc and any documentation on an impl is used as an ‘introduction’ to a group of methods.

In crates which are useful to others and published, types should implement as many of the common traits from std as possible (for maximum flexibility and interoperability). In crates which are not published, implement traits as needed (YAGNI).

Prefer to use derive rather than a manual impl where possible.

Prefer implementing a trait to adding an inherent method where a trait already exists (e.g., prefer to implement Default rather than have a new function with no arguments).

Unsafe impls can introduce global unsafety, be very careful!


Follow the documented rules (and guidelines) for traits

Some invariants involved multiple traits. For example, if an object has an impl for Hash, then if two objects are equals (via the Eq trait) then they must have the same hash.

Many traits are markers of semantics beyond the types of their functions. For example, Debug and Display have the same functions but are intended for different purposes; never use Debug output ({:?}) in user-facing output (e.g., error messages; use in log output is ok). Use the appropriate trait, don’t use a trait beyond its intent.

Some traits are very similar, but their are recommended traits to use where possible. For example, prefer to implement From rather than Into (due to a blanket impl).

Many traits have versions which may and may not fail. For example, From and TryFrom.

Some more examples from the standard library:

Marker traits such as Sync and Unpin usually have strong semantics that must be followed.

Some common traits

Implement Debug wherever possible. The output of Debug should be meaningful and useful, but should not be too long (since that can overwhelm logs).

Most collections should have an iterator which implements Iterator and implement IntoIterator themselves. They may also provide an inherent iter method for return a borrowed iterator, see slice::iter for an example.

Only implement operator traits where the operations are clearly and obviously those suggested by the operator. For example, a vector type should not implement Mul because both the cross product and dot product might be considered a multiply operation, but may implement Add since vector addition is well-known, well-defined, and unambiguous. If in doubt, only implement operator types for numeric or logical types.

Only implement Index for collection types. Most collections should implement Index, IntoIterator, and FromIterator. Most mutable collections should implement Extend.

Only implement Deref for smart pointer types; never for general coercion. Most smart pointers should implement Deref and Borrow.

Drop should be implemented for any types which need to tidy-up. Drop implementations must never panic. Be aware of implicit panics, for example due to bounds checking in indexing. Drop implementations should not fail in any other way. Drop implementations should not block.

If a destructor might panic, fail, or block, provide a method which performs the shutdown behaviour and which returns a result (or, if necessary, panics), e.g., a close method. The user may then call the shutdown method and check for errors. Then the destructor is guaranteed to be well-behaved. If the destructor is executed without the shutdown method being called, then it should always panic (so as to cause test failure). This should be documented.


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